October Portfolio

Bass Fishing

Around the world there are hundreds of different fish. Some of these we eat, and some of these are game fish. But my favorites are the Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, both of them are fun to catch and they taste great. Bass are truly freshwaters best fish.

The Largemouth Bass is named for its wide mouth. It's jaw extends to below the eye. Largemouth grow very big. The record is 22 pounds, 4 ounces. Eating insects, crayfish, smaller fish, and other small creatures, largemouth are voracious feeders. Largemouth are often found in freshwater lakes and ponds, and will grow to a large size in deep water with plenty of food.

The smallmouth bass is obviously named for its small mouth. Just like largemouth, smallmouth also grow very big. The record is only 15 pounds and 11 ounces but it is still a big fish. Also like largemouth, smallmouth eat the same things that largemouth’s eat. And they are also found in freshwater ponds and lakes.

The largemouth and smallmouth bass have the same characteristics of what they eat and where they live. But I would probably prefer to catch a smallmouth over a large mouth because they taste great and put up one great fight.

1:32 PM

Hemingway Essay

Throughout the world about 2000 people kill themselves every day. In the U.S., there are over 80 deaths from suicide a day, and about 30,000 a year. In this short story “a clean well lighted place” the old man tries to kill himself but his niece lets him free. This story is in the tragic mode of literature.

The younger bartender is a very crabby person and he always wants to get home early. He has something to look forward to when he gets home, his wife. He doesn’t like staying late at the bar to work. He also doesn’t know what's more important, money or his wife.

The older bartender is like the exact opposite, He is a happy person, and he doesn’t care what time he gets home at. The main reason why he doesn’t care what time he gets home at is because he doesn’t have a wife and he doesn’t really have anything to look forward to.

This story fits into the tragic mode of literature because the old man tries to hang himself so he is feeling kind of tragic. Then he is at the bar and is feeling good which is the rise to power. Then he has to go home without a wife or anything which is a tragic fall.